Q: Is this linked to Firaxis/2k/XCOM2?
A: No, I am in no way connected to them. I'm just a fan who loves XCOM and created this for the love of coding.
But I'm happy to say that they noticed my project and even tweeted about it on the official XCOM twitter page!
I have also been in contact with them to make sure they don't have a problem with this project using
story elements & alien names from their titles.
Q: Will this play on my machine / what specs does this game need?
A: EXLCOM will play on any (Windows) PC that has Excel 2007 (or higher) installed. If you somehow managed
to install Excel 2010 on your Windows 95 computer, it will likely run it just fine.
Q: I don't have Excel. Can I also use OpenOffice/LibreOffice/GoogleDocs etc?
A: No, only Microsoft Excel products will work due to other alternatives not having VBA integration. If you don't own Excel (and you should, it's awesome!), you can get a free trial of Office 365, which includes 1 month of Excel usage. Also, if you are a student, you might be able to get Excel for free through your university.
Q: Is there a difference between 32-bit Excel and 64-bit Excel? Which one should I get?
A: No, the game will work exactly the same on both versions.
(The only little exception is that Excel sometimes thinks it already knows the outcome of a calculation and then skips to it, which can lead to some shooting animations not being
displayed correctly. This happens more often on 64-bit (because it's faster). While it's not really affecting gameplay, if you have to choose, I recommend 32-bit Excel.)
Q: Can I play EXLCOM at work?
A: Yes, you can. You probably shouldn't though. But I'm not your boss, and the earth needs a commander to save them, so ...
Q: How can I help / support this project?
A: If you think this game is awesome and you would like to see more of it, please share it with everyone you know!
The more people are downloading EXLCOM the more I know there is interest in the project and
every purchase allows me to spend more of my time on it.
Q: Will this continued to be developed / new features be added in the future?
A: As long as people enjoy this game and I enjoy writing code, I will continue to update EXLCOM to make it the best game possible :-)
There is none. Good luck.